6 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees: Storing These Properly

Importance of Properly Storing 6 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

Once the holidays have passed, clean-up time is here. For many people, while they enjoy all that goes into decorating for Christmas, the clean-up period is one that they dread. For this reason, they may put it off. After all, is there any real reason why you have to take your 6 foot artificial Christmas trees down the day after Christmas or even the week after Christmas? Whether you decide to take this tree down now or a month after Christmas, that is completely up to you. With this being said, to ensure that this process is not done for nothing, you need to make sure that you are storing your 6 foot artificial Christmas trees in the right way to ensure this tree is in great shape to use the next year.

Tips for Storing 6 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

Here are a few tips that you can use to store your 6 foot artificial Christmas trees the right way:

– Always have a sturdy container to put this into. This is why many people use the original box that this tree came in to store it.

– Avoid storing this with any ornaments on this tree. Doing so will definitely increase your chances of having these ornaments broken.

– You will want to place this in a dry and cool place. Many people place these stored trees in their attics, which is fine, as long as this does not get too hot. In addition, if storing this in the basement, be sure that it will not get damp while in the basement.

– Take your time in putting up the tree for the year. This is not going to be a process that is super short, you will find that the more time you take, the better your tree will be stored, so take your time.